Patient-centric Digital Experience

The goal

Create a market-leading consumer experience for people on Dupixent that will increase patient adherence & satisfaction and lead to better health outcomes for driving market differentiation and enhancing brand equity.


Common adoption pain points & unmet needs

Access treatment

Patients have to take on a lot of paperwork with little clarity on the approval process

Learn the Dupixent basics

Patients are not familiar with biologic treatments. They need basic information 

Know what to expect

Patients have great expectations for Dupixent but do not know what to expect

Pay for treatment

Many patients need treatment but cannot afford to pay for it.(USA, Canada, Japan)

Accept the idea of injections

Many patients reject the idea of starting Dupixent because of the fear of needles

Track progress

Patients feel anxious to see results of treatment, but Dupixent does not have immediate effects

Common adherence pain points & unmet needs

Manage the Dupixent routine

Patients need to learn to integrate Dupixent in their daily/weekly/monthly routine

Keep motivation high

Patients might stop taking Dupixent because they feel that the effort needed is too high

Make positive changes

Patients feel good and ready to make lifestyle changes. They need tips and encouragement to do it

Communicate progress effectively 

Patients need to effectively explain progress to HCPs in the short time of the appointment

Keep the focus on results

Patients feel good and do not feel the need nor have the motivation to keep injecting

Manage new flare-ups

Sometimes symptoms might flare up while on Dupixent. Patients need encouragement


Prioritized features to deliver value and increase patient adoption, adherence, & engagement.


Holistic & connected experience of health & support, that solves the discreet challenges in patients’ journeys, from starting Dupixent to the day-to-day & long-term management.


Convenient – Automated


Insightful – Relevant


Encouraging – Inspiring

Treatment Access

Holistic Care

Disease Management



Humanizing care, not being overly clinical

A combination of a mentor tone of voice, uplifting design with purposefully used color, and a fresh and modern visual design all work together in engaging users.


Leveraging the familiar, not reinventing the wheel

We work with and build on users’ mental models for digital experiences that they’re comfortable with and have a sense of familiarity.


Patients’ treatment first, additional content is secondary

The goal is to help Sanofi improve conversion in both adoption and adherence phases so priority of content is around helping patients manage their treatment routine seamlessly.

12 user flows were prioritized to illustrate the experience and provide reference design assets for development.



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